Friday, June 21, 2024

My view... 2024-06-21-0001



  1. And then God created Donald John Trump, "a test", to see if the people believed in the word of God or in the ramblings of a con man, false prophet, who claimed to be the true "MEssiah". Will the people choose wisely or continue on the road to eternal damnation...?

  2. Look at "Li'l Donnie"... he's king of the world... savior to all who believe in him... the only true god among morons, heathens and criminals...! Praise "The Donald", thy kingdom come, on Earth as it is at Mar-a-Lago... and don't forget the the Sunday brunch, where only the worlds best "S.O.S." is served, all day and still only $9.95...!

  3. Don't the MAGA Republicans believe in the separation of "Church and MORONS"...? Heck, even "Li'l Donnie doesn't believe in the church or in his MORONS...! Hey, but don't tell them that or you will be bursting a million little bubbles, all at once, and that won't be a pretty sight... much like a Trump diaper full of poop...!
