Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My view... 2024-06-04-0001



  1. 🎵 FELON Don...! 🎵

    Thanks to Tanya Tucker for the memories and the inspiration, and
    thanks to "Li'l Donnie" for his convictions and keep 'em coming...!

  2. It looks like we are safe, for the time being, as
    convicted felons aren’t allowed in Japan… that is,
    if Japan doesn’t change the rules, like they did for
    Trump, when he visited that sumo tournament, by
    allowing him to walk on the dohyo with his shoes
    on…! He’s lucky there weren’t any Shoguns around
    to see him desecrate Japanese tradition and was
    able to leave Japan with his shoes and his head on.
    Other than that, the only thing we can do for sure,
    is vote on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, to make
    sure that this MORON doesn’t embarrass America
    anymore… after that, I’m sure KFC, McDonald’s or
    time will take care of whatever’s left to be done…!
