Saturday, June 15, 2024

My view... 2024-06-15-0001



  1. "Nah-Nah, Nah-Nah, Nah, Nah... you can't touch us...!"

    Don't worry, we wouldn't touch you rotten, little stinkers with a ten foot pole... and there's nothing "magnificent" about any of you LOSERS, especially your little MORON leader, America's biggest LOSER, Donald Trump...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie", as the Yul Brynner character Chris Adams, leader of The "MAGA-nificent Seven", takes his band of MAGA-MORON-MERCINARY Supreme Court judges to the dark side of American history, doing the opposite of what the original Magnificent Seven stood for or what they believed in... but when you have a felon heading a group of corrupt judges, what do you expect... JUSTICE...!?!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" turns 78 years old, today, as Melania get to scratch off another year on her hubby's "short sheet", until independence day... and she can proclaim; free at last... free at last... THANK GOD, ALMIGHTY... I'm FREE AT LAST...! Sooner, better than later... but a least, later is still better than never... but who's counting...? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you...! Now, blow out your remaining candle and let the party begin...!
