Thursday, January 4, 2024

My view... 2023-01-04-0001



  1. If you trust "Li'l Donnie Bone Spurs", you can trust "Trumpcare"... from cradle to grave and sooner than you think...!

  2. No wonder nobody could ever confirm Trump's bone spurs claim, as it looks from this x-ray that they were in his head... all the time...! Of course, this now explains a whole lot more about Trump's cognitive abilities... person, man, liar, moron, traitor...!

  3. My God, you can almost heat the bone spurs spinning in Trump's little "a-brain", as he tries to assert any semblance of intelligence. SAD... as a mind is a terrible thing to waste... even when you don't have one...!

  4. Yeah... when you die from his new and better Trumpcare, "Li'l Donnie' will pray at your funeral, with his upside down Bible and his special sermon of "Two Corinthians walked into a Trump bar at Ma-a-Lago" shtick, that's always good or a few laughs, as he says goodbye to another loser/sucker/supporter, who believed it was better to believe the lie and die, than to live and see the truth...!
