Thursday, August 24, 2023

My view... 2023-08-24-0002



  1. When it's time to go... go bigly, with Trump's Fulton County brand toilet paper...!

  2. It looks like someone hit the old hair coloring before his mug shot...! Try to control yourself, "Li'l Donnie", remember you're a sad, old, loser... and nothing is going to help you anymore...!

  3. So, how many times does Trump get to surrender before he never surrenders...or is it just LOSERS who never surrender by surrendering,,,?

  4. Regarding the look on Trump's face, in his mug shot, leads one to speculate that he was filling his pants with "fear", as he was finally losing control of the situation and realized he was about to be in some really deep cow pucky.... and in this case, of his own making...!

  5. Forget all that hair coloring Trump used for his mug shot. Inquiring minds want to know, how many cans of hair spray did he use to hold that fake cotton candy, on his head, in place...!

  6. I suppose if my face was about to be wiped across somebody's rear end, I might look like Trump's mug shot, too...!

  7. WOW...! Trump toilet paper...? Well, shut my mouth and wipe my rear... not necessarily in that order... your choice...!
