Thursday, August 10, 2023

My view... 2023-08-10-0001



  1. The First Amendment allows even a Mob Boss to lie... but not commit crimes...!

  2. Remember, "Li'l Donnie", this simple little test; Man, Moron, Lies, Conspiracy, Guilty.
    (Note: For extra credit,, the final answer... GUILTY... should be in all CAPS.).

  3. They told you to just put a sock in it... but since that didn't work... they're going to the duct tape. Come on "Li'l Donnie", just remember; Man, Moron, Lies, Conspiracy, GUILTY... it's not that hard...!

  4. Duct tape is water proof, which is a good thing when you're a slobbering, blithering idiot...!

  5. "Bud Light" the duct tape company...? For Trump supporters, that's kind of like cutting off one's nose, to spite their face, without their favorite tape to fix their stupid, self inflicted wound...! But he, we're talking about Trump supporters here, so stupid is as stupid does.

  6. "Man, Moron, Lies, Conspiracy, Guilty", the new "Very Stable Genius" I.Q. test for Donald Trump's competency, as I'm sure "Li'l Donnie" has these answers down pat...!
