Saturday, August 19, 2023

My view... 2023-08-19-0001



  1. "Li'l Chicken Donnie", back in his coop, thinking about his coup and all the irrefutable evidence, he has, that will exonerate him of all of his crimes...! So much evidence, it's just too hard to share...!

  2. Yeah, right, so much evidence, it's just too hard to share... plus he still needs to “think” about declassifying it...!

  3. Yep... if the poop fits, wear it... and "Li'l Donnie" does wear it well...!

  4. Little greasy chicken fingers debating pudding fingers... now that would have been a debate worth seeing, although it would probably make you want to puke...!

  5. Yeah... but it would probably make Chris Christy hungry enough to eat them both alive in the debate...!

  6. In this cartoon, it looks like "Li'l Donnie" has already been "plucked" and "fried"...! Or, is it just another way of saying he is presumed guilty with no chance of being found innocent. Although, with Trump, there's always a "FAT" chance...!

  7. "When you're finger lickin' great"... isn't that little pudding fingers, Ronnie DeSantis' campaign slogan...?

  8. A chicken is, what a chicken does, as it looks like "Li'l Donnie" has "PLUCKED" himself good, this time...!

  9. "Who needs to debate when you're finger lickin' great"... even if you have tiny, little fingers like Trump...?

  10. That's our "Li'l Donnie", with his tiny, finger lickin' great ;posts...! Almost good enough to eat... but great, as additional evidence in his many crimes against America. Keep it up "Li'l Donnie"... you da man...!

  11. Yeah, a post from Trump is worth a thousand words... or at least a few more indictments...!

  12. It's "TFC", Trump Fried Chicken, when you don't care what chicken crap "BS" that "Li'l Donnie" is feeding you, as you will eat anything he's serving...!

  13. Of course, even as a chicken, Trump has tiny, little digits...!

  14. If you had greasy, little chicken fingers, like "Li'l Donnie", your posts would look like chicken crap, complete with misspellings, made up words and incoherent thoughts, all in Trump's moronic style...! Keep them posts coming "Li'l Donnie"... your foot must be pretty tasty at this point, that is, if you're not choking on it...!

  15. "Li'l Donnie" is leading in the polls... or in this case, when you're a "chicken", like Trump, I guess you could say he is leading in the "poulets"...!
