Thursday, September 22, 2022

My view... 2022-09-22-0001



  1. That's the sign post up ahead... next stop... the Rikers' Zone...!

  2. Did "Li'l Donnie" really just say that... or just think it...? inquiring psychics, soothsayers and mentalists want to know... although, if they're reputable, they probably already have a pretty good idea...!

  3. Carnak the Magnificent... what is another name for a liar, a crook and a moron…?

  4. Hey "Li'l Donnie"... not to worry, as that rattling you've been hearing in your head, is nothing. Believe me, there is nothing to be concerned about, as there is nothing there...! Really... trust me... THERE IS NOTHING THERE...!

  5. "Lord I was born a ramblin' man
    Tryin' to make a livin' and doin' the best I can
    And when it's time for leavin'
    I hope you'll understand
    That I was born a ramblin' man..."

    Finally, now this makes some sense...!

  6. It looks like Trump's tin foil has a few wrinkles in it, when it comes to understanding what the heck "Li'l Donnie" is talking about every time he opens his mouth...! It's even difficult to understand what he's talking about, when he doesn't open his mouth... but at least, it's not as annoying...!

  7. "Dit, dit, dah, dah ,dit, dit", [?], is more commonly expressed, in the Morse Code community, as "dit-ty, dum-dum, dit-ty", which more appropriately describes Trump's declining mental state, as it's hard to understand what this little, old, "dittty, dumb-dumb, ditty" is talking about anymore... SAD... but expected for a "MORON"...!

  8. Yep... really SAD... listening to a MORON trying to "SPLAIN" himself out of a paper bag...!
