Saturday, September 3, 2022

My view... 2022-09-03-0001



  1. I will have to agree, that nobody but Trump has the uncanny ability to make himself look like a slob, more like he does… and remember, it takes a slob to make a slob, as “Li’l Donnie” is the fashion icon for you and your children to emulate… or is that to regurgitate…?

  2. The F.B.I. needs to stop picking on me and get back to doing what they do best... catching those bad Democrats trying to save America... while I get back to doing what I do best... looking like a slob, to cover up all the crimes I've committed...!

  3. Remember, always put your best foot forward, when creating a first impression... even if your foot is continuously in your mouth...! Words of Trump wisdom to live or lie by...!

  4. Trump complains that the F.B.I. didn't take their shoes off, before searching his bedroom. Now this is really "rich", ("rich" not to used to verify Trump's lack of wealth), coming from a man who didn't have the decency to remove his shoes before stepping onto the dohyo, while at a Japanese Sumo tournament, thus embarrassing himself, once again, for acting like a complete moron in public...! But hey, it's "Li'l Donnie"... it's what he does, it's who he is, as we all know he doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong or have any respect for others. It's all about, what would Donnie do, what does Donnie want and what does Donnie like... to hell with everybody else...!
