Saturday, June 26, 2021

My view... 2021-06-26-0001



  1. When you lie down with dogs you get fleas, so what does "Li'l Donnie" get when he "lies" with his number one lap pig, Tucker "The Squealer" Carlson, besides covered in sh... shut your mouth...! But I'm only talkin' about Tucker...!

  2. Of course Tucker looks in the mirror every day. For someone who loves himself as much as he does... he can't help it. You think Trump hugging an American flag is weird... you should see what Tucker does with a mirror, when he's alone with one. They're going to need more Windex in the Fox bathrooms...!

  3. A pig in a poke or just two pigs on FOX...? Get back you slimy pig...! Wait a minute, as it's hard to tell who's talking to who...!

  4. Tucker "The Squealer" tries to crap on others, while only managing to crap on himself. Looks like the crap doesn't fall too far from the crapper, when it comes to Carlson...! Or, in other words; the crap stops here...!
