Friday, June 4, 2021

My view... 2021-06-04-0002



  1. Is that "Dic-Tater" or the more appropriate "Dick-Tater", (as he sure acts like a dick), and his "Tater-Tots"... and is this the musical group "Li'l Donnie" refers to on his taxes, when taking deductions for bogus entertainment at his hotels? Just wondering, as inquiring minds and the I.R.S. want to know... if they don't already.

  2. "Li'l Donnie" the "Dic-Tater" and his family of little "Tater-Tots", is proof that one rotten potato can spoil the whole bushel...!

  3. ... and, if not thrown out, can start rotting everything else around it...!

  4. Jared seems a little too close, as he tries to social distance himself from the Trump Crime Family... but then again, he has his own family problems, when it comes to social distancing from a crime family...!
