Monday, June 21, 2021

My view... 2021-06-21-0001



  1. When it's all about Trump... GET OUT OF THE WAY... as there can only be one winner...! Or, in his mind... the loser takes all...!

  2. These are not the Bay Area Bombers... more like The Bronx Borough Bummers...!

  3. Pardon me boys... was that the Trumpinator Choo Choo...?
    Track 45... you'll never take him alive...!

  4. Yes, it's the same ol' "Montenegro-NATO" move, which he also uses when pushing his loyal people under the bus...! Remember, when it comes to Trump, nothing or nobody else matters. It's "Li'l Donnie" and "Li'l Donnie" only...!

  5. "Li'l Donnie", the "yammer-jammer", trying to talk his way out of the yuuugh mess he's in... and not making any sense, like always...! And, if you can't make any sense, just plow through and keep moving forward.

  6. "Li'l Donnie" hopes the only one who is going to skate by on this one is him.

  7. Yes, it's the same ol' "Montenegro-NATO" move... but he's using it on his own teammates. Oh, I forgot, there is no "I" in "team", or is that, there's only "me" in "team"...! The rest of Trump's team needs their own lawyers... and probably a new team, if they don't want to be bigger losers than they already are.
