Sunday, December 20, 2020

My view... 2020-12-20-0001



  1. Another great trade deal by America’s number one traitor and author of his new book “The Art of the Traitor”, our very own “Li’l Donnie”…!

  2. My Vladdy Daddy has assured me it wasn't him... and I know he wouldn't lie to me, just as I wouldn't lie to the American people... and you can take that to the bank. And, while you are there, make sure to make a generous deposit into my never ending slush... I mean defense fund. TRUMP 2024 and beyond... just keep the money coming...!

  3. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming...! As, "Li'l Donnie says; get a grip America... FAKE NEWS... I'm already, I mean the Russians are already here, thanks to me...!
