Saturday, December 19, 2020

My view... 2020-12-19-0002



  1. Time for our "Li'l Donnie" to do all he can to lessen his tax burden for 2020, as his time is running out. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide... especially, nowhere to hide all his ill-gotten gains, as everybody is now watching his every move.

  2. Maybe, if he wrote really, bigly checks to every woman he has verbally or sexually assaulted, plus all those women he has had illicit affairs with, while married, he might be able to take a yuuugh deduction. If there was just some way he can charge it to the Trump Organization or maybe start a new Trump Charity. Wait a minute... I'm sure "Li'l Donnie Jr" knows a way... after all, he is a Trump and the drip doesn't fall too far from the dipstick.
