Thursday, December 3, 2020

My view... 2020-12-03-0001



  1. "Li'l Donnie" keeps filing those bogus lawsuits, which quickly get thrown out, but which keep his base happy... plus, he doesn't have to keep paying his phony lawyers to continue fighting them, allowing him to keep more money in his legal slush fund, for him to take with him when he leaves office. Promise made... promise kept... and his suckers are none the wiser... just a little poorer for the experience. Kind of like getting one of those degrees from Trump University.

  2. "Losing Hurts Money Helps"... actually, we all know that Trump WON and the money is just gravy for him. AHHHHH... gravy...! Your "Li'l Donnie" loves gravy... send more gravy...!
