Wednesday, June 24, 2020

My view... 2020-06-24-0001


  1. Don't worry... "Li'l Donnie" is into the "pee-pee" thing, just ask Vlad.

  2. Hopefully, this cartoon won’t start another Moscow Ritz-Carlton controversy... but then again, it is Trump we're talking about here and we all know "Li'l Donnie" likes what he likes!

  3. I'm truly sorry officer... I thought it was a fire hydrant.

  4. So, if there is a statue of :Li'l Donnie", this puppy will know just where to go to see it... or pee it...!

  5. ... and a "Li'l Donnie" statue is way better than a fire hydrant, especially when it comes to the relief we seek in our daily lives of dealing with an incompetent, evil and cruel Trump. Yes, it's a small gesture but it feels so good, when your done and it's easy to do.
