Tuesday, June 16, 2020

My view... 2020-06-16-0001


  1. HIS HANDS...! We're only talking about Trump's "HANDS", as his personal measuring device. Kind of like measuring the height of a horse, but in his case; 24 Trump hands equals 6 feet. For most everyone else; 18 hands equals 6 feet. So, it's easy to check social distancing wherever you are... that is, if you know how big, (or small), your "HANDS" really are.

  2. Oh, and remember always to thoroughly wash your hands, after social distance measuring, when using the “Li’l Donnie” method.

  3. Ahhh... but just another way to take the measure of a real man...even one who pretends to be a real man, like "Li'l Donnie". Come on everyone, let's give Trump a big hand... you know he really needs one! It will make him feel better... and you know he is always groping for a chance to feel better... it's who he is!
