Friday, June 19, 2020

My view... 2020-06-19-0001


  1. Cheating; it's the only way "Li'l Donnie" can win...! He's done it all his life. He knows no other way. It's who he is, as we have come to expect no less from this born loser. Just ask all of his wives how good he is at it... or those he has had to pay off, to keep their mouths shut. Can you say non-disclosure agreement?

  2. A fair election...? "Li'l Donnie" can't handle a fakir election. That's why cheating will always be his and his Republican enablers first choice for winning. Can you say gerrymandering and voter suppression? Republicans can, as they wrote the definition of those words to fit their needs.

  3. Our "Li'l Donnie" cheat...? Of course Trump cheats. He cheats on his wives. He cheats at golf. He cheats in his businesses. He cheats in his charities, he cheats everyday of his life... so of course he will cheat to win an election. It's who he is and what he does best!
