Saturday, December 14, 2019

My view... 2019-12-14-0001


  1. Well, it looks like we can all go home now and have a Merry Christmas... and not worry about next year's Senate trial. Thank you "Moscow Mitch for the present!

  2. It also looks like McConnell will be getting a “very” Merry Christmas present from his secret Santa, "Li'l Donnie", this year as there will be an extra special piece of Kentucky coal in his stocking.

  3. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's really a bunch of McConnell"s kangaroos! Welcome to Mitch's Senate impeachment proceedings, where pretending nothing happened in the Trump case and where justice will be blind... along with deaf and dumb, at least on the Republican side!

  4. If "Li'l Donnie" says he's innocent... then "Moscow Mitch" says he's innocent... why do we need a trial? Crime and corruption doesn't get any simpler than this. Trump didn't do it... HE SAID SO! Case closed! Deal with it! GET OVER IT! We're all morons now and that's how it's done here! Now send Trump your party dues.

  5. Remember; kangaroo courts always vote guilty... but alternative kangaroo courts will always find "Li'l Donnie" innocent.
