Thursday, December 12, 2019

My view... 2019-12-12-0001


  1. GOING DOWN in history and remembered forever! "Li'l Donnie" should have been careful what he wished for.

  2. "Li'l Donnie" hopes his tangerine letter shirt will match the orange jumpsuit, he has heard, that some people want to give him, as he really likes to coordinate the oranges, in his clothes, to bring out the color in his cheeks! No, not those... the ones on his face.

  3. Maybe "Li'l Donnie" can get both letters on one shirt... but should it be "IA", for Impeached Adulterer or "AI", for America's Imbecile?

  4. Shame on you Donnie! So many "Scarlet Letters" and now a "Tangerine Letter", too. Bad Donnie... bad, bad Donnie! History is not going to look very kindly on you... but then again, it probably wasn't going to anyway.

  5. "The Tangerine Letter" is coveted, by those who have earned it, as it has only been worn by a select few... and "Li'l Donnie" not only gets to wear it forever, he believes he deserves it more than any of the others who have received it before him. And you know, he's right... AMERICA AGREES!
