Friday, December 13, 2019

My view... 2019-12-13-0001


  1. "Li'l Donnie" cleans up at Time Magazine's "Man of the Rear" cover competition for 2019. When you get to the bottom of it, there's nobody more deserving! He definitely wiped out... or out wiped all his competition.

  2. Look at it this way... Trump won't have to waste his money on fake magazine covers for his resorts, when he can put a roll of "Trump Toilet Paper" in every one of his resort's rooms... for the pleasure of all his guests.

  3. Time Magazine’s Person of the Year; it’s not “Li’l Donnie” and he’s really upset that he didn’t get his picture on the cover “butt”… the solution is simple and it’s only $9.95 per roll, available at Trump.con. At least he can clean up on this travesty, after being "dumped on" by Time.

  4. "Trump Toilet Paper" is so absorbent, it only takes fifteen flushes to make it go down... unless you're doing a "Trump Dump"!

  5. Yeah... so absorbent it's guaranteed to stick to your shoes plus it has been "Trump Tested" and approved.

  6. It's not the Time cover "butt"... it is softer than being spanked with a magazine. Especially for a man Trump's age!

  7. We know, it's not the Time cover "butt"... when it's "Time" to go, it's got you "covered"!
