Monday, October 14, 2019

My view... 2019-10-14-0001


  1. It looks like “Lady”, (you remember when Rudy dressed up as a woman) and “The Trump”, (the poor little rich kid, that nobody loved), got caught groping for a few meatballs. Do you think they can get that lunch, to go, so they don’t miss their plane?

  2. Rudy and Donnie, together again... the way it was meant to be!

  3. Trump wishes he had ordered a hamburger... maybe he doesn't like sharing his noodle with someone who turns out to be, not his first choice, (just look at that face). Did Rudy just get dumped? Don't worry Rudy, your severance "hush money" is in the mail.

  4. Donnie has Rudy over for lunch to discuss their future together. True love is a beautiful thing... but "Trump Love" could be hazardous to your health, let alone, your integrity... that is, if you had any integrity to begin with! Come on Rudy... take the dress off, BE A MAN!
