Friday, October 4, 2019

My view... 2019-10-04-0001


  1. "Li'l Donnie" tries again for the Black vote, as he throws another Republican white guy under the bus.

  2. Look... I'm my own African-American! Who needs the Black vote?

  3. Everybody loves "Mr. T"... and a lot of people don't know it but I was called "Mr. T" , long before "Mr. T" was called "Mr. T". You could say, I"m the original "Mr. T"... and we all know the original is always the best.

  4. But Mikey's mother told him he was never to play with "Li'l Donnie... so it couldn't have been him trying to get dirt on Joe Biden. It was all those other bad boys that hang around with that evil Trump boy!
