Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My view... 2019-10-02-0001


  1. Trump's lies are alive with "The Sound of More Lies". Yep, it's the same old song, again. We all know the words by heart and we're all sick of hearing them. So, listen to your dear, sweet "Li'l Ivanka" and take her home. You know you want to. It's time... you deserve a break... and we all deserve a break... MORE!

  2. Adieu to ALL of you... the sooner, the better... and the "elephant" you rode in on!

  3. The Drumpfs are a lie that just keeps on giving... Lie... Lie... Lie... Lie. Lies that we've heard... a million times or more! Come on, everybody sing along!

  4. Come on Donnie... your kids just want to go back to scamming people, like in the good old days, without all of this unwanted attention. How is a crooked family suppose to survive with everybody watching? Give 'em a break!
