Sunday, August 25, 2019

My view... 2019-08-25-0001


  1. Look who’s dreaming of a “White” Christmas, just like the ones he use to know… or at least dreamed about, in his perfect, little, white-washed world.

  2. Yes... this is going to be the greatest "Trumpmas" ever. Thank you Donnie... you really are the chosen one! And, don't worry, for without those pesky Chinese tariffs, we'll all be able to purchase from the entire line of Trump, original, (made in China), merchandise, just in time for the holidays. So, stock up now, as you never know when "Li'l Donnie" will change his mind... or heaven forbid, place tariffs on his own products!

  3. Don't be dismayed... there's even Trump, original, Global Warming Coal... and it's made in America! Now, we can all breath easier... ahhhhh!
