Sunday, August 4, 2019

My view... 2019-08-04-0001


  1. Oh... we're off to see the Wizard... the Grand Wizard of Mar-a-Lago... because, because, because, because, because... because of the racist things he does!

  2. It's time for thoughts and prayers, again... but no matter how much we think about it... or how much we pray... Trump is still here.

  3. It’s not Donnie’s fault! He says it was some crazy person, spewing racist hate. Wait a minute... not Donnie’s fault? Some crazy person... spewing racist hate? Then, maybe we’re all crazy too, that is if we are going to believe Trump’s crazy, racist hate filled explanation. Donnie... you’ve got some ‘splainin to do!

  4. "Li'l Donnie" wants you to see how big his hands look when he wears gloves. Remember, if the gloves don't fit... it must be because his hands are too small to handle the job!
