Monday, August 19, 2019

My view... 2019-08-19-0001


  1. Who needs to buy Greenland? I'm the President of the United States... so I just sold the Statue of Liberty to me, (by executive order... and I made a great deal), and turned it into my new "Trump Liberty Island Hotel" for whites only. How do you like the gold paint? Nice touch, uhhh, as nothing says tacky, like my Trump tacky gold. Am I a great business man or what?

  2. Reserve now, as space is limited... CASH ONLY, in advance... and no refunds! Identification, (including birth certificate), is required, as Donnie will have his crack, birth certificate, investigation team, from Hawaii checking all applicants. Approvals will be marked with a red "A" and all others, receiving the dreaded black "C", (something Trump's daddy taught him), will not be admitted.

  3. "Lumpy Liberty"... a self image of "Lumpy Trumpy" himself. Now that's branding... complete with "Tacky Trumpy" gold paint.
