Tuesday, November 14, 2023

My view... 2023-11-14-0001



  1. Mein Führer, "Li'l Donnie", cementing his place in history and on toast, as America's greatest loser and biggest piece if disgusting "crap" ever... EVER...! But hey... it's Trump and we should expect nothing more...!

  2. Is that S.O.S. for "Save Our Ship" or "S#!t On Shingle" or just "Save Our S#!t", before it's too late...! It's time to save America. Just say no to the "Orange Fascist"...!

  3. Getting hungry...? Some people will eat anything, even after you know what it is really made of, as long as it is served on toast, from a loser, at his Mar-a-Lago brunch buffet…!

  4. Don't let your toast get soggy. Order "Lil Donnie's" S.O.S. brunch buffet special now...! Pre-orders available, only $9.95, at Trump.con.

  5. Remember, at Trump's Mar-a-Lago brunch buffet, when you order the S.O.S. special, you won't get napkins but a complimentary roll of Trump toilet paper, instead, as you will definitely need it, once you take a bite of what "Li'l Donnie" has served you...!

  6. Oh my goodness...! Beauty and/or evil is more than skin deep, as Trump's poop is orange, too...! Lest it be said, watch your step around "Lil Donnie", for once you've stepped in it, the stench never goes away... but new shoes will help...!

  7. Honoring Trump's military service...? Are we talking about all those years "Li'l Donnie" spent, at home in America, fighting the STD's he found in Studio 54, in New York...?

  8. Mein Führer, "Li'l Donnie", the leader of the MAGA Reich, is looking for a few good morons to follow him to Hell... although, as part of his stable genius "A-Brain", in military tactics, Trump has determined that he will be leading from behind, as his morons are more than willing to take one for "The Donald", as his suckers and losers should...!

  9. That's our "Li'l Donnie", a chipped beef off the old block, now toast and creamed in his own lies...!

  10. Oh my... you're telling me that "Li'l Donnie" creamed himself...? That hasn't happened since his 90 seconds with Stormy...! At $130,000 divided by 90 seconds, equals over %1,400 per second. Now we understand how Trump loses his money and not want to talk about why...!
