Monday, November 6, 2023

My view... 2023-11-06-0001



  1. Time for a “Tidee Didee”, (adult size for losers), time out, for when you are just out of control, with nowhere to go…! Hey... where is Melania when “Li’l Donnie” needs her most…?

  2. "Li'l Donnie" is right about one thing... when you're as full of it as he is, sooner or later, when it starts coming out, everyone will know what a huge piece of lying B.S. he is and always has been...!

  3. Trump's fraud case is just another notch in his loser's belt of life long failures...!

  4. We all know that Trump inflated his "ass-sets", as all you have to do is look at it and understand the crap he eats every day.

  5. 🎵
    I'm a loser
    I'm a loser
    And I'm not what I appear to be
    I'm a loser
    And about to lose
    What's dear to me
    I'm a loser
    And about to lose
    All my money...!

  6. Trump estimates the size wealth and properties like he estimates the size of his hands... until it's time to pay taxes on the deductions he takes for what he pays porn stars...!

  7. It's time for another "Li'l Donnie" hissy fit defense, as old con man Trump falls apart on the stand, while losing control of his bodily functions.

  8. "Li'l Donnie" wonders if it's time to bribe the judge... while the rest of us think it's time he gets an enema... from both ends...!
