Friday, October 20, 2023

My view... 2023-10-20-0001



  1. Loser backing loser... as Jim Jordan is removed from running for Speaker, after three losing votes... would like to take a moment to thank Donald Trump for his unbelievable support, as he wouldn't have been able to get as far as he did, without it...! "Li'l Donnie"... you're number one... until you're not...!

  2. Watch your step, as "Roach" Jordan is running around, after losing for a third time and is now looking for cover, as a lot of his "friends", in the Republican party, are looking to step on him, one final time... and start cleaning the House...!

  3. Yep, it's time for Coach Jordan to get back to doing what he does best... NOTHING...!

  4. Hey "Li'l Jimmy", you had three shots at that gavel and you blew it... so, if I were you, I wouldn't bend over to try and pick it up, if you drop it while in the shower... just saying...!

  5. Coach Jordan is someone the old fogies would call a real drip... or a real loser... one drop at a time...!

  6. "Li'l Jimmy". 16 years in congress... and no bills passed...! Talk about a self serving loser...!

  7. Coach Jordan's colleagues, in Congress, "wrestling" with their vote, determined he is not fit, let alone qualified to be Speaker, as it was an easy decision, once they remembered that he wasn't even fit, let alone qualified to be a coach...!
