Tuesday, October 10, 2023

My view... 2023-10-10-0001



  1. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" is projecting his own crimes onto General Milley, as he knows his day is coming... and fast...!

  2. Yeah... just watch him when he says his name is John Barron and he didn't do anything wrong...!

  3. "... this moron doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut...!" So, It looks like it's time for the final solution... "DUCT TAPE"... or, as Christy would say... "DONALD DUCK TAPE".,,!

  4. Typical Trump... blaming others for all the crimes he has committed... or as "Li'l Donnie" would say; who, me...?

  5. Hamas comes out for Trump... and "Li'l Donnie: says. mighty fine people on both sides... although, he has to say nice things about the Jews, because of Ivanka and her loser husband, who has more money than he has...! WHAAAAAAA...!

  6. Yeah... and Jared's wealth can be counted in actual Saudi money and is not just another reoccurring "wet dream", about money, in Trump's very stable, a-brain...!

  7. "Li'l Donnie"... please face forward and state your name and then say "traitor"...! Also, would you like to say anything to those gathered here, today, to hear you ask for forgiveness... if not, how about a blindfold to keep those white circles, around your eyes, from turning orange, when you walk into "the light"...? Anything, anything at all...? How about a take out "Happy Meal" for the road...? Don't worry, you won't have to pay, (not as if you would anyway), as there's no charge, this time...!

  8. "Li'l Donnie" wonders if his hair spray and bronzer are as strong as kevlar... or how penetrable body fat is...!
