Monday, September 25, 2023

My view... 2023-09-25-0001



  1. It's way passed time to lock him up... so, let's make sure we don't forget to throw away the key, when we do...!

  2. Look at it this way... "Li'l Donnie" will have a captive audience of his number 1, most adoring fan, when talking about himself... to himself... and nobody else will have to listen to him...! A win-win for everyone, back in the real world.

  3. Hey... has anyone heard what "Li'l Donnie" said, lately...? No, anybody... nothing...? Finally, peace at last... thank God, Almighty, peace at last...!

  4. Do you know just how hard it is for "Li'l Donnie" to "rock and talk" at the same time... especially if there is a ramp around... but then, again, Trump is incapable of watching his step when he opens his mouth...! So, keep talking "Lil Donnie"...!

  5. Trump, having gone off the deep end, is now talking about killing his opponents... not realizing "Li'l Donnie" is his own worst enemy...! Maybe that's why he tried to buy a gun for "himself"...? Somebody needs help... a lot of help...!

  6. Poor "Li'l Donnie", as he keeps saying over and over and over again; I'm perfect... I'm not crazy... I'm perfect... I'm not crazy... I'm perfect... I'm not...

  7. Is Trump senile...?
    Only if he goes to Egypt...!
    As for in America... YES...!
    Still crazy after all these years... 🎵
