Friday, September 8, 2023

My view... 2023-09-08-0001



  1. When they get tired of flushing their money down the Trump toilet... they might think about giving to a real charity and to those that actually need help...! Remember, the courts already forced Trump and his Crime Family to close down their phony charities and pay a $2,000,000.00 fine.... but since suckers are born every minute, he only needed to wait until a new batch came along...!

  2. Never surrender, as "Li'l Donnie" is SURRENDERING... Remember, never say never, because never, is never that far away... especially when you're guilty...!

  3. Trump "SURRENDERS" T-Shirt available only in "Prison Orange"...! At least Trump's new wardrobe will match his complexion.

  4. Remember... please don't squeeze the Charmin...! That Trump crap, on the other hand, squeeze at your own risk...!

  5. After you squeeze that Trump crap, remember to wash your hands...!

  6. Not only can you buy all that Trump crap, you can also buy his Trump toilet paper, to wipe all that Trump crap off your hands after touching it...! Again, don't forget to wash your hands, as Trump crap may be hazardous to your health, if not lethal...!

  7. Except for the exorbitant price and low quality, Trump toilet paper may be the only thing worth having... that is, if you don't have a Sears Catalog around...!

  8. Look Ma... I've been "grifted"... AGAIN...! Do I win a Trump prize or what...?

  9. Sorry Junior... but being "grifted" by Trump just means you're a LOSER, like him... although, unlike him, he gets to keep all your money... unless, you still have some left, that you want to give him...!

  10. O.K. Ma... so, if I get "grifted" again by Trump and give him all the rest of my money, do I then get a Trump prize...?

  11. Making Trump great again, while making yourself look like a moron in your Trump gear, as America's biggest LOSER cons his little losers... AGAIN...!

  12. Hey Ma... buying Trump crap is better than paying my bills or buying food... TRUMP 2024...! So Ma, can you lend me a few bucks 'till the end of the month...? I hear "Li'l Donnie" needs some legal help, as he is not allowed to spend his own money on stuff like that...!

  13. Hey Ma... can I borrow 10 bucks to get a Fulton County Trump tattoo on my butt, just like Roger Stone...? PLEASE...! All my other friends got one.

  14. Look Ma... Trump toilet paper, when you really want to rub his nose in it...!

  15. When you're buying all that Trump crap, don't forget to throw in some Trump toilet paper, as you're going to need it...!
