Friday, February 3, 2023

My view... 2023-02-03-0001



  1. $5.1 billion to one grade school for teaching CRT, Critical Race Theory...? It looks like MTG has CRT mixed up with her Crazy Republican Theories...!

  2. Now, Marjorie is complaining that she doesn't get paid enough to be in congress. One would think that making up conspiracy theories all day wouldn't be that difficult, especially for someone so adept at it as she is... but then again, there's only so much time in a day...!

  3. Sure, Marjorie's Jewish space laser may look like a microwave oven, as that wavy beam doesn't look like a laser beam... but don't tell Greene, as what she doesn't know, can't hurt her... or can it, especially if she keeps sticking her head in it...!

  4. Don't worry, as no brains were harmed in this cartoon... 'cause you can't harm what's not there in the first place...!
