Saturday, November 12, 2022

My view... 2022-11-12-0001



  1. Forget the best and the brightest... Trump likes the ones he picks, that "stick" to him regardless, of course, unless they lose… and then it's all Melania's fault...!

  2. Besides, when it comes to the best and the brightest, in Trump supporters, there's nobody better, brighter or smarter than he is... as he has set the bar pretty low...!

  3. Boogers for Trump...! You may break us... or fake us... but you will never shake us, as we will "stick" with Trump, to the very end... of his finger...!

  4. Yeah... what's the worst that can happen if you lose... other than the fact that he will eat you alive, in public...!

  5. Ugh... Trump eating boogers... now there's something you don't see every day.

  6. Hey "Li'l Donnie"... don't forget the ketchup... lots and lots of ketchup...!

  7. Talk about being able to still pick 'em... who do you think got Tiffany to marry a billionaire, into The Trump Crime Family, and get them to put "Li'l Donnie" in their will...? None other than the stable genius himself... and they call Trump a moron...!
