Wednesday, November 9, 2022

My view... 2022-11-09-0001



  1. The midterm election is over and the finger pointing begins, as our "Li'l Donnie" has to blame someone, other than himself, for the losers he chose. You mean, like the finger pointing he did after his kids were born...?

  2. Don't worry, if you should happen to pull the finger on one of Trump's "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate" participation trophies, as the only unpleasantness you may experience, unlike pulling his real finger, is this fake gold paint, he uses in his resorts and hotels, that may come off in your hand...!

  3. Trump's choices were not only election deniers... they were election losers...! Now Trump can be an election denier too, as he can deny he chose those losers to run...! God made him chose them...!

  4. When you're on Trump's Team, you will always get a Flying, Fickle, Finger of "FAKE" participation trophy... that is, if you pre-registered and paid paid your entrance fee, at trump.con, before hand...! Remember, when you're on Trump's Team, everyone is a winner, unless the other side cheated...!
