Monday, June 27, 2022

My view... 2022-06-27-0002



  1. Rudy has the video, as you can see for yourself, his near death experience, with your very own lyin' eyes...! Not Rudy's lyin' eyes... your own lyin' eyes...!

  2. I’m pretty sure if Rudy hadn’t been drunk, the pat on his back would have knocked him over. Thus, being staggeringly drunk, he was able to keep his balance, while, at the same time, withstand the “unbelievable” pain he must have had to endure. Way to go Rudy… taking one for the team…!

  3. Are you talking about "Team Rudy" and not that "Team Normal" everyone else believes...?

  4. Thank God our Rudy keeps himself in a constant state of pre-medication, so he can withstand the incredible pain from all those constant attacks he is subject to...!

  5. Yeah... usually when Rudy falls down, it's on a bed, to tuck in his shirt... or whatever needs tucking...!

  6. Rudy's fear and exaggeration, about what he perceived as a "deadly" pat on his back, probably stems from his P.T.S.D., from an early encounter of playing patty cake with his cousin... and losing, thus causing him to marry her, so she couldn.t testify, against her husband, in the future, should his truthfulness ever be questioned...!...!
