Saturday, June 18, 2022

My view... 2022-06-18-0001



  1. Jabba Jabba doo... or as Jabba the Hutt, (a.k.a. Donald the Trump), says... and give today... yabba dabba doo...!

  2. Remember what "Li'l Donnie" said, when he declared that he really loved the poorly educated, (Trump code for stupid suckers)... so keep on giving until it hurts... and you have nothing left... and he has it all...! Your kids will appreciate it, when they find out there is no money for college and thus, they can remain poorly educated, just like you...!

  3. Is that Jabba the Hutt...? It looks a lot more like Trump the Turd, as it sure acts and sounds like Trump the Turd...!

  4. Donald the Butt bigger than Jabba the Hutt...? I guess, if you're going to make an ass of yourself, Trump's has to be bigger than anyone else...!

  5. Garbage in, garbage out...? I guess, this best explains who this big, orange turd is, when you see what he spews from all of his orifices on a daily basis...! What you see on the outside, is what lives on the inside. Rotten from the inside, out or from the outside, in... does it really make any difference, when it comes to this human piece of excrement, Trump the Turd...?

  6. Trump the Turd... or Holy Crap, as his Evangelicals like to call him...! Praise our savior "Li'l Donnie" and pass the toilet paper... as our leader is about to speak...!
