Sunday, April 17, 2022

My view... 2022-04-17-0001



  1. More beautiful than a Russian Fabergé imperial Easter egg and filled with a “special” Putin surprise, that’s more delicious than chocolate and even better than Russian potato...!

  2. Better than Russian potato...? Nothing better than Russian potato, when Russian people can't afford to buy anything else, thanks to Putin...!

  3. Just another reason this evil, (poor excuse for a human being), dictator will
    burn in Hell for eternity...!

    [Note: We may be running out of room, to put another nail in Putin's coffin,
    as he keeps supplying more than enough, all by himself.]

  4. As far as putting another nail in Putin's coffin, it looks like "Li'l Vlad" is doing a pretty good job of it, without any help...!

  5. If Putin's special operation, Russian Easter Eggs don't get you, he always has his F.S.B. "Novichok-late" bunnies, (Federal Security Bunnies), to do his dirty work...!

  6. Open your hands,
    Then open your eyes,
    Then pull the pin
    For a Putin surprise...!

  7. On this Easter, let us all remember;

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world...

    Putin, on the other hand could care less...!
