Monday, April 4, 2022

My view... 2022-04-04-0001



  1. Lie and deny all you want... but "Li'l Vlad" will never be able to cleanse himself of his WAR CRIMES...! "Li'l Donnie", on the other hand, just keeps lying, as he just can't handle the truth.

  2. Soak it up while you can boys, as you will have the plug pulled on you, allowing you and your filth to go down the drain...!

  3. Russia's "Li'l Prev", trying to prove his manliness... but always coming up "short", while on the wrong end of the stick...!

  4. Hey "Li'l Donnie", tell us again how smart you think Putin is... that is, after you pull your head out of his rear end, of course...!

  5. Are these two a couple of strange tub fellows...? Probably not that strange, as they're more like two peas in a tub... or two peeing on a Russian bed...! YOU GO VLAD...!
