Tuesday, January 4, 2022

My view... 2022-01-04-0001



  1. Hey Li'l Donnie", don't forget the part about, "you shouldn't be allowed to do business in this country"...!

  2. WOW...! "Li'l Donnie" sticking up for Marjorie "Terrorist" Greene and her conspiracy theories. Talk about dumb and dumber...!

  3. "Li'l Donnie" likes to sing;

    I'm a little booger short and stout,
    Here is my finger pickin' boogers out.
    When I get a big one, hear me shout,
    I got another one out of my snout...!

    So, does that make Trump a disgrace to democracy or just a disgrace to America...?

  4. Melania... MELANIA...! I got another one on my finger... come take it off...!

  5. I'm lucky not to be on Twitter, as I wouldn't be able to tweet with this booger on my finger... so there, Twitter, the joke is on you...!
