Monday, January 3, 2022

My view... 2022-01-03-0001



  1. Naming the first three cartoons of 2022, in order, you've got:
    1. Liar
    2. Liar
    3. Plant's On Liar...!
    Now, say those three names as fast as you can, in order, over and over and what do you get...? Right, "Li'l Donnie" Trump... liar, liar, plant's on liar...!

  2. Look, what goes around, comes around. So, guilty or not guilty, as to, do we think "Li'l Donnie" will be charged with "reaping" this plant...? You know, he is going to claim that being a big star, they let you do it...!

  3. Oh what a tangled plant we weave, when first we conspire to deceive...!

  4. When no one cares anymore and you're all alone and all you can do is scream "REAP...!", who is going to come to help you...?
