Sunday, November 28, 2021

My view... 2021-11-28-0001



  1. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" is already developing a major crack in the rear. So much for Trump the builder, who knows how to build things... "butt" then again, you get what you don't pay for... Trump style...!

  2. "Li'l Donnie". always putting his best face forward...! It's how we will always remember him...!

  3. Moon over Mount Rushmore. Have you ever seen such a disgusting sight...? No wonder the E.P.A. is involved to clean up this site...!

  4. "... and he patched up the crack in the Liberty Bell"...? "Li'l Donnie" should probably think about patching up that crack in the rear, first...!

  5. As far as "Li'l Donnie" is concerned, all of those other presidents can kiss his "stone cold"... shut your mouth...! "Butt" I'm just talkin' 'bout "Li'l Donnie". Keep talking like that and Trump will give you the "Shaft"...!

  6. "Li'l Donnie" thinks he should be on Mount Rushmore. Now that's amazing, that "Li'l Donnie" actually thinks...!

  7. "Li'l Donnie", going down in history as America's first real president of a race neutral color... and at only $9.95 per bottle, you can look like Donald Trump, too...! Orange, the new Black... get yours today...!

  8. "Li'l Donnie" has made a name for himself, while making an ass out of himself... The Trump Brand...!

  9. Like "Li'l Donnie" likes to say: "Hey, kiss this, if you want to be remembered as great "ass" me...!" There's none bigger than me...!
