Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My view... 2021-11-17-0001



  1. What’s a censured Samurai to do...? After all, it was only an animated cartoon. Can’t anyone take a joke anymore...?

  2. Just like "Li'l Donnie", Paul Gosar is a coward to the very end... thus he will never do the right thing, as he obviously doesn't know the difference between right and wrong...!

  3. Paul Gosar... just another loser in a long list of Trumplican losers...!

  4. Paul Gosar doesn't need to worry about seppuku, for if "Li'l Donnie" ever gets tired of him, he will stab him in the back. Not traditional seppuku, as it's Trump's own style of seppuku... but it still gets the job done...!

  5. Hey Trumplicans, if you liked Gosar's cartoons don't criticize this cartoon, as it's only a joke, just like his was. No harm, no foul...!

  6. Paul Gosar, taking the coward's way out, just like "Li'l Donnie", lyin' and cryin' like a little baby...! There is no honor among thieves.

  7. Seppuku, the term more commonly used in Japan, is the same as hara-kiri... or "hairy carry", for those of you that pronounce karaoke, "carry oaky"...!
