Friday, October 22, 2021

My view... 2021-10-22-0001



  1. Talk about your new technology. You would think that after over 50 years, I would have forgotten Morse code... obviously not. M (dah, dah) O (dah, dah, dah) R (dit, dah, dit) O (dah, dah, dah) N (dah, dit). Put them all together they spell “Li’l Donnie”.

  2. ... so I can use your money for more important stuff, like tin foil...! Trump brand tin foil, that is... and only $9.95 per roll, available at Trump.con, while supplies last...!

  3. Money couldn't buy the technology, because it was FREE...! But, being the cheap S.O.B. you are, you had to claim it was yours and got yourself caught up in another legal jam. What a LOSER...! Lock him up... lock him up... LOCK HIM UP...!

  4. I guess it takes a bully not to like a bully... and the bigger the bully is, the more he doesn't like bullies. It looks like "Li'l Donnie" can dish it out but he sure can't take it... and that's the mark of a real LOSER...! Sorry, "Li'l Donnie", we already know who and what you really are. A SAD and PITIFUL old man.
