Monday, October 11, 2021

My view... 2021-10-11-0001



  1. Like "Li'l Donnie" always says; "It wasn't me"...! Besides, nobody pulled his finger, so it couldn't have been him...!

  2. "It wasn't me"...! Sounds like another Trump lie, if you ask me, to add to his list...!

  3. Nobody pulled his finger...? So that's why Melania was always slapping his hand away...!

  4. Did anybody ever check to see if "Li'l Donnie" ever took a couple of those golden orbs and hid them in his pants, to sneak them out of the country, while he was in Saudi Arabia...?

  5. "Li'l Donnie" wants to know if his robe comes in a size larger than XXXL...?

  6. A robe with the "dis-stink" mark of a man who knows that in "the end", it's what the people will remember, that will linger in the air long after he is gone. "Li'l Donnie" dealt it... we all smelt it... and we will never forget or forgive what he did, as the Trump legacy is burned into our nostrils and our minds, forever...!

  7. Hey, "Li'l Donnie", stop groping the robe... you're abusing your gift and people are watching...!

  8. But "Li'l Donnie" can't help himself... because when you're a big star they let you do it...!

  9. So, one of the robes "Li'l Donnie" got was supposedly made from cheetah fur... and when he found out later that it was fake... he really felt "cheetahed"...! [insert rim shot here]

  10. Believe me "Li'l Donnie", when MBS says this robe was only made for you... as I'm sure nobody else would be caught dead in it...?
