Saturday, March 27, 2021

My view... 2021-03-27-0001



  1. Cruzin' for a Bruzin'... Our "Lyin' Ted" promises to beat the poop out of those bad border babies before sending them back to wherever they or he originally came from. Careful Ted, we all know your life story of lies, deception and dual citizenship. Don't worry though, as I'm pretty sure Canada or even Cuba wouldn't want you back.

  2. So, is that vulture waiting for some of "Lyin' Ted's" bacon or one of his border baby captures...?

  3. Is it me... or does that vulture look like Stephen Miller. I heard he was looking for a job that suits his qualifications.

  4. Hey, they caught Cruz trying to sneak into Cancun and made him go home, busted, so now he's out for payback. The only problem is, that tough, macho man Ted is only capable of taking on babies and small children. "Lyin' Ted" found out how easy it was, when he accused his own children, when he was caught crossing the border. So, it looks like Ted's tough guy manliness is showing... but not to worry, as nobody can see it, even though it's totally exposed...! Maybe, "Li'l Donnie" grabbed it from him and is holding onto it for safe keeping.
