Thursday, March 4, 2021

My view... 2021-03-04-0001



  1. I'm sorry... but would you like fries with that conspiracy theory...?

  2. I guess, when you have no policies to help the people, you just have to start digging up potatoes to throw at them.

  3. It's the G.O.P., "Grand Old Potato" party...! Is that potato with a Dan Quayle "E"...?

  4. There are only fifteen Potato Heads left... soon to be zero, as Democrats are trying to make them magically disappear. Only Republicans can save Mr. Potato Head, with your help. Send your checks to Donald Trump, now, to save an American symbol of freedom and justice.

  5. The Republican Covid Relief Plan for the middle class and poor... let them eat "Spuds"... and then use the money, instead, for another big tax break for the wealthy. And you thought they didn't care.

  6. Like "Li'l Donnie" says; "hang" in there "Li'l Mikey"... with friends like me, who needs enemies, (maybe an enema), but not enemies...?
