Thursday, February 18, 2021

My view... 2021-02-18-0001



  1. Yeah, right, give him a break…? He should have taken his daughters to Mar-a-Lago and he might have gotten away with it.

  2. "Lyin' Ted", caught flyin' his way into Cancun and then caught lyin' his way back out...! Keep up the good work Ted... the people of Texas appreciate your sacrifices.

  3. ... and like Mexico says; who's going to pay for the wall to keep these lyin', low life, despicable Republican Senators out...? AMERICA...! Build the wall...! Build the wall...! CONSTRUIR EL MURO...!

  4. Maybe it's time for Rafael, the half breed Cuban/American, Canadian to go back where he came from... wherever that is...! Or, maybe he should have stayed in Cancun...? At least it's warm there. A lot warmer than the cold reception he will have back in Texas.

  5. Yep, "Lyin' Ted" knew, as soon as he got on the plane... and everyone started taking pictures of him, that he was BUSTED...! But hey, he's a "good dad" and he knew that he can always blame his daughters... just like a "good dad" and a real man would.

  6. Maybe, he thought nobody would recognize him in that beard and designer "mom' jeans...!
