Thursday, February 4, 2021

My view... 2021-02-04-0001



  1. Marjorie "Terrorist" Greene: Does this person really need to be carrying a gun... let alone be in Congress...?

  2. Kevin McWussy's "Greene New Deal" sticks it to the American people once again. But then again, Republicans really don't care, do U...?

  3. Here's the deal... we will let you stay... just don't shoot us...! Now tell me Republicans don't know how to negotiate...!

  4. NEGOTIATE...? Looks like this is right out of Trump's "Art of the Deal".

  5. Doh...! Congresswoman "Li'l Margie Greene", is more then happy to lose committee appointments, as she didn't come to Washington to help people... she came to hurt people and has now become the face of the new Republican "Quackpots". Watch yourselves Republicans, as this mentally challenged idiot has a gun and is there to cull the herd of intelligent thinking people. [Note: Louie Gohmert and Matt Gaetz don't need to worry.]

  6. WOW...! So "Li'l Margie Greene" doesn't have to do anything and still gets paid for a job she didn't really want in the first place, except to further her "Quackpot" agenda, while getting paid by the government she wants to destroy. Talk about money for nothin' and the conspiracies are free..!

  7. It looks like the Republicans "Greene New Deal" is going to cost them way more then the Democrats "Green New Deal". At least the Democrats plan will save America, while creating jobs and opportunities for all, while the Republican plan will only destroy America and their own party. So much for cutting off your nose to spite your face.
